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Thursday, August 8, 2013

I Have Returned!!

And I'm back! 

I'm currently on vacation and finally decided to do something about this whole blogging business.

I was going to just make my blog private but then I decided to just start new and transported my blogs contents to my hard drive. I couldn't bear to just delete all the posts and pictures.

I can't promise to be a better blogger, sometimes I think I want to write but the thought of organising my thoughts into coherent sentences is just too much for my poor brain lol

I can say things are going pretty well. We've settled into the new place (new? we've been here over a year already!) nicely. Some things, like becoming a hydro Nazi, took some getting used to. Seeing huge bills due to our devil may care attitude toward electricity made us change our ways pretty damn fast! All the years of living in apartments and our hydro included in rent made us very careless. 

Learning about home care. Changing the furnace filter regularly, recycling, gardening both flowers and vegetables, lawn care etc. I just found out the other day that in order for my roses to bloom continually I have to cut off the dead heads and be ruthless about trimming them back. So much I have no clue of!

I planted tomatoes, peppers, zucchini and cucumber.  We are already enjoying tomatoes and just the other day I brought in a huge zucchini and cooked it up with onions and mushrooms and cheddar cheese. It was awesomely good!  Even hubby liked it! 

After a terribly rough start, Luke is doing great! He's a little bit behind, maybe 2 months. He's doing things that a 4 month old does. He was on muscle relaxing meds for over 4 months to ensure he wouldn't have a seizure. Because of that he couldn't even suck a pacifier in the beginning. He's now 6 months old, he's got 2 teeth with 2 more cutting through. We do therapy related exercises with him while we play and he's coming along nicely. We're helping him learn to sit up, pull himself up with our help and though he doesn't like it one bit, we are forcing him to learn to crawl lol  He's a real grumpy bear about being on his tummy, not impressed lol  I'm not real worried about it. My youngest never crawled, she went from sitting up to pulling herself up and lurching around the furniture at 6 months!

I'm still off the butts! Been 2 1/2 years now!  I still dream of smoking occasionally and I think there will always be times that I miss it, but I don't crave it and that's a huge thing.

Enough of the update for now. I will try to get back in on a regular basis. I miss writing sometimes but given that there were people I didn't want to know about my life getting any details at all kinda constipated me.

Oh well, I'll send out some emails to let people know where I am and I look forward to reconnecting!

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